website: www.ics.forth.gr
country: Greece
Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas
The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is one of the largest research centers of Greece with well organized facilities and highly qualified staff. It functions under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation of the Ministry of Development and Investments. The Foundation, with its high quality research results as well as its valuable socioeconomic contribution, makes it one of the top research centres internationally. The Institute of Computer Science (FORTH-ICS), one of the six institutes of FORTH, has a relatively long history and recognized tradition, since its establishment in 1983, in conducting basic and applied research, developing applications and products, providing services, and playing a leading role in Greece and internationally, in the fields of Informatics and Communication Technologies.
FORTH-ICS is organized in Research Laboratories, each of which conducts basic and applied research and high quality technological applications, focused on thematic areas, but also interdisciplinary with an interdisciplinary approach, develops original products and provides services. It has high technology equipment and is staffed with specialized scientific and technical staff. In this context, FORTH-ICS is active in the following sectors: Information Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Universal Access and Support Technologies, Diffuse Intelligence and Smart Environments, Cultural Informatics, Computer Medicine, Electronic Health, Bio-Informatics, Computational Vision and Robotics, VLSI Computer and Systems Architecture, Signal Processing, Distributed Computer Systems, Telecommunications and Networks. The Computational BioMedicine Laboratory (CBML) of FORTH focuses on the development of novel ICT technologies in the wider context of personalized, predictive and preventive medicine, integrated care, risk stratification, user empowerment and collaborative environments, through its participation in EU projects. Our activities cover important research and development areas, taking into consideration new perspectives, emerging fields of research and technological challenges worldwide.
Since 1992, FORTH has been representing Greece in ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), a European organization composed of the most important research / academic centers in the field of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, which aims to promote European research. and development. Members of the Institute are actively involved and play a leading role in key research projects in areas of strategic importance to Europe. FOR 1998, FORTH-IP has hosted the Greek Office of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), an international consortium aimed at determining the directions, software and tools for the development of the World Wide Web.
FORTH-ICS seeks the practical utilization of research and development results by providing industries with services and usage rights for specific products, concluding contracts for the joint development of new products. FORTH-ICS has contributed decisively to the creation and operation of the Science and Technology Park of Crete, and to the partnership of research with industry, attracting high-tech companies to the premises of the Park.
In FORTH-ICS, work about 440 employees both highly experienced technical staff and recognized research staff.
FORTH-ICS has been participated in more than 650 Research Projects (European, national) related to Informatics and Computer Science.

website: erasmuslearn.eu
country: Greece
The Lifelong Learning Centre “Oloklirosi” was founded in 1995, in Agia Varvara Heraklion Crete, Greece. It is certified by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) and the General Secretary for Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of Education (GGDBM) with authorization code number 192011586 and accredited with ISO 27701:2019 and ISO 27001:2013. From 1995 since today “Oloklirosi” is a tutorial school which provides education for students in secondary education and prepares them for their examinations in the universities of the country and since 2007 it is a lifelong learning center.
Since 2018 the organization expanded its activities as a lifelong center through the foundation of the Erasmuslearn educational center (https://erasmuslearn.eu/) and in addition it provides:
- educational and vocational training services to unemployed, vulnerable social groups and employees, on modern subjects that meet the real needs of the labour market in order to: a) promote the unemployed people and people from vulnerable social groups to the labour market and b) upgrade employees’ skills,
- counseling and vocational guidance services, studies conduction services on the labour market, and
- entrepreneurship counseling and specialized entrepreneurship counseling services in the social economy, as well as specialized legal and tax support for beneficiaries who develop individual or collective business through social enterprises.
Over the last years Oloklirosi, through Erasmuslearn educational ceer, has trained more than 500 participants (teachers/lecturers) from all over Europe, via its Key Action 1 (KA1) – Mobility of Individuals in School and Vet education. The Erasmuslearn educational center provides 27 different courses in several European cities and can be accessed through the School Education Gateway (SEG). Oloklirosi, working on the EU based projects since the beginning of the Socrates program, finished several Strategic Partnerships projects, hosted hundreds of individuals on behalf of mobility projects, has realized the gaps in and needs of individuals moving all around Europe, and has always been enthusiastic to solve the biggest problems faced when an individual moves across the EU.

website: www.tsz.edu.rs
country: Serbia
Tehnicka skola
The Technical School Zajecar is located in eastern Serbia, 10 km from the Bulgarian border. The school is attended by about 600 students, with classes delivered by 80 teachers. The school has three areas of work: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and traffic.
The educational profiles that are represented in our school are:
- computer technician
- Vehicle electronics technician
- electricity
- mechatronics
- Information Technology
- Mechanical technician for computer construction
- technician for Road traffic
- driver
Our school prepares students for work and further education, encouraging their personal and professional development using modern technologies, positive attitude towards work and other people and we strive to train them for the further course of life. We strive to provide the most up-to-date projects a teaching tool for our students.
We want to become the school that students and teachers are they feel like their own. A school whose development and modernization is shared by all. We want to be better connected to schools in the region and Europe.
Highlights of the school:
- 2 KA1 Erasmus+ projects (ka101 and KA102)
2019-1-RS01-KA102-000740 - 2 KA2 Erasmus+ projects (partner in project)
- Secondary Vocational Education Reform Program in Serbia
- BiP – developing student entrepreneurship
- Follow up with colleagues equal in empowerment and position
- Development of Entrepreneurial Learning (SEECEL)
- School without violence
- Crossing distances – crossing our limits
- STEM education and new technologies for regional development
- eTwninning projects
Our school students achieve remarkable results in general education competitions subjects, professional subjects and sports competitions. For elementary school students during the winter holidays we organize schools of robotics, web design, programming.
The school successfully cooperates with numerous non-governmental organizations in the city.
As a school we organized an international symposium “The Interdisciplinarity of Logistics and Transport” in 2011.
Introducing mechatronics in school, we stepped into the field of robotics.
By introducing this direction, we have provided excellent teaching equipment:
- Mitsubishi 6-Degree Robotic Hand
- FESTO pneumatic components
- PLC controllers
In 2014, a group of our teachers successfully completed a robotics course. The same year, we formed a robotics section for students.
From 2014 until today, we regularly win one of the first 3 places in the national robotics competition organized by the community of machine schools in Serbia every year.
Our students won first place in the 2014 Serbia Eurobot Junior Competition.
In the First Lego League competition, we won the robot programming and design award and 3rd place in the tournament.
We have participated twice in the international competition in Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and in the international competition (Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina) won 2nd place.
In 2017, we launched a competition in the field of microcontrollers and Internet of Things in Serbia.
So far, there have been 3 competitions held nationally, but our idea is to grow the competition internationally.
We are proud of this competition being recognized and supported by a number of companies that help keep it going.
The competition is also assisted by faculty and individual ministries.
For the last 4 years, our students have won the competition of the Faculty of Computer Science for a short film 3 times.
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Call 2022 Round 1 KA2
KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education
Form ID KA220-SCH-30BA54E7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 23 Mar 2022 12:00:00
ENIn our school there is a section Creative corner in a frame where students make various decorative objects. Which expresses their creativity and artistic disposition.

website: danmar-computers.com.pl
country: Poland
Danmar Computers is a private company providing vocational training in the field of Information Technology and developing e-learning, mobile and customised ICT solutions. It deals with trainings, developing programs and training materials, counselling, designing web pages, web campaigns and e-learning systems. The technical staff has capability to develop any modern web and mobile applications, utilizing database technologies, web servers and application servers. That includes social and cloud services, both from client and server side. Danmar Computers has designed and developed a project management system – AdminProject. It currently is the only product on the market dedicated to the management of European projects.
Danmar’s activities are directed to various groups, offering special training programs and assistance in improving their situation, either on the labour market or in other professional areas. Special attention is focused on adults and teachers, but also businesses and the youth. Danmar Computers has extensive experience in developing customized e-solutions for various markets, including e-learning systems and OERs. Danmar Computers is an expert in the areas:
- ICT related, chiefly responsible for the creation of digital tools, customized web pages, mobile applications, e-learning systems and web campaigns, storytelling, but also management platforms – owning one of such, namely AdminProject,
- vocational training, for teaching skills or upskilling individuals, groups and institutions on the basis of a specially tailored programs in the areas of ICT, business development, commerce and education,
- support services, as an awareness raising instrument to help individuals understand the possibilities available on the market,
- personal and professional development, aiming at recognizing and validating skills to efficiently use them, both in private and professional environments,
- providing training on the development of soft skills or transversal skills,
- marketing and promotion, for recognisability and the facilitation of networking.
Due to the cooperation in many projects and collaboration with organisations of diverse operating profile, Danmar is continually expanding its scope of expertise. Danmar Computers has carried out European Union educational programs, among others: Horizon 2020, Progress, former Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig and currently Erasmus+. The company has worked in projects concerning entrepreneurship, innovation, education, e-commerce, research, social inclusion and many others – all in which the impact on the target groupwas a key project development factor. In terms of contributing to the development of this project, Danmar has experienced staff members, whose competences will be fully utilized in the implementation of this project.
The company’s technical staff has the capability to develop any eplatform with the use of web servers, application servers and database technologies, including social and cloud services, both from the client’s and server’s sides. They possess adequate competences for training, designing materials, conducting research, supporting and carrying out pilot sessions, offering new solutions and identifying the current needs of various social groups. Apart from that, Danmar has co-partnered in the construction of a few digital solutions. Since the dominant field of activity for Danmar Computers is the IT sector, the company most frequently creates various IT tools that support project activities, i.e. mobile apps and e-platforms.
All company’s activities are based on the well-established network of cooperation with domestic and foreign training and counselling organisations, schools, universities, public institutions, as well as private sector companies. Danmar Computers is also a member of the Eastern Poland IT Company Cluster and regularly cooperates with universities from the region.

website: mucurvakfi.org
country: Türkiye
- Education
- Youth
- Health
- Agriculture
- Project
- Economy
- Life Long Learning
- Employment and social Inclusion
- Regional/Rural Development
- E-learning
- Youth Guidance
- SME Counselling
- Literacy
- Vulnerable Groups (children, ethnic groups/minorities, persons with a limited lifespan, persons suffering from dementia, persons with mental disorders, abusers of drugs and alcohol and persons with disabilities)
- Literacy
- Active Ageing
- Promotion of Life Long Learning
- Sport
- Hospitals
- Clinics
- Medical
- Media
- Business
- Educational Institutions
- Justice
- Rural Development
- Investment
- Foreign Affairs
- Social Security and Family Policies
MUSEV Professional Development Department gives weekly seminars to;
- Women
- Patient families
- Teachers
- Youth Workers
- Care-givers
- University students
- Volunteers
- Staff working in institutions under MUSEV umbrella
- To any group of people formed to get any training which is under expertise of any member of the foundation.
- Project coordination
- Application writing
- Dissemination
- eLearning development
- Website development
- Android app development
- Training
- Data research
- External evaluation
- Project quality management
- Project branding
- ICT training
- Wellbeing
- Sport projects
MUSEV gives scholarships to youth people comes from Rural Area to Ankara;
- To be employed in industrial areas around Ankara
- To go on education in universities in Ankara
- To get vocational training in VET Centres in Ankara
- To go on agricultural initiatives in Ankara
- To establish their business in Ankara
- To ensure they to the be aware of sustainable management of natural resources
- To have information about global warming and its effect on climate
- To have enough knowledge to be familiar with territorial development of rural economies, communities to give a contribution to the maintenance of employment in agricultur

website: www.atb-23.net
country: Portugal
Agrupamento de Escolas de Atouguia da Baleia
The Atouguia da Baleia School Group (AEAB) is made up of 9 educational establishments, with 1190 students, from preschool education to the 9th grade.
Functioning since 1993, it is located in the west of Portugal. It integrates the rural area and the main bathing areas of the municipality of Peniche. The guiding and structuring documents of the Group’s life are:
- Educational Project (PE) – “Enabling for Creativity, Innovation and Inclusion”;
- Innovation Plan (PI) in operation since September 2019;
- Action Plan for the Digital Development of Schools (PADDE);
- Education strategy for Citizenship at School.
In the current school year, the school population totals 1190 students, between three and fifteen years of age: 155 children in pre-school education (7 groups), 422 students in the First Cycle (23 classes), 245 in the Second Cycle (12 classes) and 368 from the Third Cycle (19 classes). The Group is attended by around 80 students from 16 different countries. The AEAB offers students, in partnership with the Óbidos Music Academy, the Articulated Teaching of Music, with 40 students participating, from the 5th to the 9th grade. As an extracurricular offer, the school provides students with various clubs – Radio Club, Arrufeiros d’Atouguia (Traditional Drums Orchestra), Tuna (School Band), 3D Club, Chess Club, Vegetable Garden and School Sports. As a complementary offer of its own curriculum, the school created and offers students the subjects of Information Literacy and Digital Communication, Scientific Literacy and Sound and Movement Laboratory.
We are a dynamic public structure. During the last few years we have been reinforcing our strategies of improvement through initiatives for innovation and inclusion. We are guided by a philosophy aimed to improve our students’ success by: investing in educational technology, improving and equipping the students’ common spaces, enriching and broadening curricular and extracurricular offers, training our human resources and involving actively our students in their educational path and in school. Examples include student assemblies, the management of school radio by students or the development of campaigns and initiatives to promote social sustainability competencies (stimulus to flexibility and adaptation, interdependence and cooperation, altruism and the basic ethics).
website: 11lyk-irakl.ira.sch.gr
country: Greece
11th Geniko Lykio Irakliou
Our school is a general orientation High school in the city of Heraklion Crete and is one of the largest ones (circa 500 students and 46 teachers) which was established 24 years ago. In its lifespan it has managed to stand out as an institution which, not only provides the necessary means and knowledge for the advancement of its students with an ultimate goal the admittance to tertiary education, but especially for the inclusion philosophy of all its members. In this context, there are various groups in the school, such as the music, theatrical, environmental, and STEM groups, which have a long-lasting presence.
Concerning our participation in European programs, during the last 2 years we are participating in a Youth Exchange program and 2 ERASMUS + programs and an Horizon 2020 programme which is implemented by the Regional Administration of Primary and Secondary Education Crete. In addition, our school encompasses participation in European competitions like the Euroscola project (with quite remarkable outcomes by sending 2 delegates in the Europarliament for two consecutive years), the European Commitee Translation competition (Juvenes Translatores) in which our participants were in the 10% of those who excelled.
Concerning the focus of our institution beyond its programme of studies, on an annual base there are various groups that operate as extra-curricular activities like a theatrical group which stages various plays each year with open doors in our own mini-theatre or the municipal one, a music band which participates in the various events organized by the municipal authorities every summer, as well as concerts in the confines of our school , a creative writing club which regularly broadcasts on prose or poetry in local radio stations (many times accompanied by our band), and the group of environmental awareness which plans a plethora of activities, visits and field research sometimes together with other environmental organizations, even from abroad (a programme about water was organised in cooperation with institutions from Spain, 2016).
Our school cooperates with the Universities and research centres which resides in Crete (UOC, HMU, TUC, FORTH and others). Some of our teachers cooperate as visiting scientists with them. The cooperation with those institutions is on the basis of participation of our students in innovative actions of them, in the joint submission of programs, in visits of students to their facilities, but also in the practical education of their students in our school under the supervision of our teachers. Our motivated teachers and the infrastructure of our school not only assure learning, but also pay special attention to the mental and physical well-being of our students creating an environment that enhances the development of students’ skills and Emotional Intelligence. Spacious, well-ventilated classrooms, well-equipped Science and Computer labs, a small library, a hall for multiple activities, games equipment provide our students the necessary support to explore their vocations and to participate in challenging events (school contests in many fields, sports etc.).They are also encouraged to do charity work by donations and volunteering. Additionally, in order help our students to overcome possible hard times we cooperate on a regular basis with a Psychologist appointed by the State and, in parallel, we run awareness programmes against any form of addiction (extending from alcoholism to webaholism). As it is obvious our school has great experience in management and development of many STEM projects (i.e. C.O.T Erasmus program and Connect Horizon Program) beyond all above our students participated and were awarded in many regional and national competitions, congress, and festival concerning the Science, Technology, Arts and Mathematics.